Welcome to the Official Website of the 

South Carolina Association of School Resource Officers

The South Carolina Association of School Resource Officers was developed by a group of 23 School Resource Officers in 1996. Those SROs saw a need to have a statewide organization for officers to contact on what programs were working and what programs had not worked in our schools, how to handle certain situations, and a clearing house for lesson plans.

 SCASRO developed into an organization that is now recognized statewide and nationally.

SCASRO was instrumental in working with the South Carolina General Assembly and the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in developing a standard for School Resource Officers and a state law giving SROs state-wide jurisdiction while on a school function. (SC code section (5-7-12)

SCASRO Updates

SCASRO is hosting its Annual Training Conference in Myrtle Beach, SC 

June 8th – June 13th, 2025

Early registration has begun and will last until February 28th.
Early Registration- $175.00
After March 1st- $250.00
After May 1st- $300.00

Who Should Attend The Conference

School Resource Officers       DJJ Personnel         D.A.R.E Officers

Juvenile Officers            School Administrators     G.R.E.A.T. Officers

Teachers            Victim Advocates           Superintendents      Solicitors

SRO Supervisors        School Board Members         DSS Personnel

Law Enforcement Administrators          School Safety Personnel

Sheriffs              Chiefs           Department of Education Personnel

Community Leaders     Mental Health Personnel       LEAD Officers

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